‘The singer's younger daughter, Madhusree, who had been a rapt listener during her father's recitals till this year, chose to sit on the stage and sing with her older friends.’.
‘Director Ron Howard knows how to keep his audience rapt.’.‘But, Newman points out, the personalities and relationships that keep audiences rapt are not neglected.’.‘‘Our task is not to create a movement from scratch,’ she proclaims to a rapt audience.’.‘In later years public demand saw him travelling the length and breadth of the country to deliver his budget speeches to rapt audiences.’.‘When I lectured at a skeptics meeting in Dublin in mid-October, this photo of my rapt audience was snapped.’.‘The audience is rapt, breaking several times into appreciative applause.’.‘Her eyes are warm and alive, as she tells her stories to a rapt audience.’.‘The shortness of her set was perhaps fortunate, as Tunstall left a rapt audience wanting more.’.‘Adults are rapt and absorbed pupils, far more dedicated students than are most kids.’.